Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park, located in northwestern Arizona, is the 15th site in the United States to have been designated as a national park. One of the main features of the park is the Grand Canyon, a gorge on the Colorado River, which is considered one of the Wonders of the World.

The park, which covers 1,217,262 acres (1 with 1,901.972 sq mi; 4,926.08 km2) of unincorporated area in Coconino and Mohave counties, attracted almost six million recreational visitors in 2017, which is the second highest number of visitors of all national parks in the United States after Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Grand Canyon was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1979. In celebration of the park’s centennial, it will happen on February 26, 2019.

Grand Canyon National Park is considered among the country’s most beautiful, scenic, and best preserved places because of its immense size, striking depth, and several periods of geologic time marked by their respective distinct rock layers. The canyon was formed by the incision of the Colorado River and its tributaries, which occurred after the Colorado Plateau was uplifted. As a result, the Colorado River’s system developed along its present path.

Public areas of the park include the South and North Rims, and areas of the canyon itself, all of which comprise the park’s primary spaces. Most of the rest of the park is exceedingly rugged and far from civilization, although a number of areas are accessible by backcountry roads and packs. The South Rim, which offers an excellent view of the Grand Canyon, accounts for over 90% of park visitors.

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The South Rim

Most visitors to the park come to the South Rim, getting to the park by driving on Arizona State Route 64. The highway enters the park at the South Entrance, near Tusayan, Arizona, and proceeds eastward. After exiting the park, the highway goes to the northeast. There is a way for vehicles to access the area from the south by way of Interstate 40. From the north, the United States This route connects the Mountain and Grand Rims, to Utah, Colorado, and Route 89, which leads to the South Rim. As a whole, the South Rim has around 30 miles of road accessible to the public.

The North Rim

The North Rim of the park is located on the Kaibab Plateau and Walhalla Plateau, which are both situated directly across the Grand Canyon from the principal visitor areas on the South Rim. The main areas of interest for visitors to the North Rim are centered around Bright Angel Point. North Rim is 8,000 feet (2,400 m) above sea level, while the South Rim is only 5,727 feet (1,704 m) above sea level.

Since it is significantly higher than the South Rim, it is closed from December 1 through May 15 each year due to the increased snowfall at elevation. After October 15, visiting tourist services will be suspended or limited in scope. Driving time from the South Rim to the North Rim is approximately 4.5 hours, and it’s over 220 miles away (350 km).

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