Travel related backlinks and guest posts

Travel related backlinks and guest posts

Hello there! We have decided to provide the service of travel-related backlinks and guest posts to fellow travel and lifestyle bloggers.

The purpose of this service is to improve the rankings of travel-related websites through cooperation.

You can post/place backlinks on the following websites: DA 30, PA 36 and (PA 17) : DA 26, PA 15 (work in progress): DA 1.7, PA 14

There are another 10 websites in preparation (travel and lifestyle related) that will be added to this list. Current DA and PA values will go up as we go.

Travel related backlinks


Backlinks specs

Backlinks should be from pages (and preferably also websites) travel related, travel guides, travel tips, travel gears reviews, travel news, travel diaries, or lifestyle posts (but related to travel).

Backlinks should be within the content and contextual, naked links such as without any content or context are not acceptable.

We prefer non-symmetrical links, i. e. you link to one of our sites from your website A, we link from another website or we link to another website of your preference (e. g. website B). We will at least avoid linking from the same post back to your website. Linking to each other’s domain between two posts doesn’t work well with Google, at least.

The anchor text should be contextual as well.

Good example: Here is some more information about Switzerland travel tips. (anchor text is Switzerland travel tips)

Bad example: Here is some more information about Switzerland travel tips. (anchor text is Here).

Maximum of three backlinks per domain (for now).

Free SEO Backlinks

Backlinks conditions

Once a backlink to one of our websites is placed, and we confirm it, we will link back to the website/page of your preference.

If we cannot provide desired link context or content, we will inform you within 3 working days to arrange an alternative.

Links placed on our pages are permanent. In case any of our websites will go down or get migrated, we will inform you in advance about such a change.

In case the link to our websites is removed from your end, we will be obliged to remove links to your websites as well. This initiative is based on cooperation and it works both ways.

If the original publisher wishes to remove the backlink at any time, this will be fulfilled within 48 hours upon receipt of the request from the same email that requested the original posting.

Guest posts

Guest posts specs

Guest posts

Topic: Travel related, travel guides, travel tips, travel gears reviews, travel news, travel diaries, or lifestyle posts but related to travel.

Content: original content only. If the content is recycled, we will need proof of original posts being from your website. SEO-friendly content – Title, description, subtitles, and body of the text to match the topic. Content cannot be autogenerated or spun, only human written content is acceptable. Please browse our websites to get a general idea about posts.

Word count: 1200, minimum, 2400 maximum, including title, subtitles, captions, etc.

Keywords: 3-5, SEO compatible (included in the title, meta description, headings, beginning of the text, etc)

Links: maximum 3 links per text to valid websites. Only travel or lifestyle websites, no affiliate links or redirects. Links can be to the websites that were originally linked to our website or to a third party.

Format: Word document with clearly formatted text, links, headings, and photos

Photos: one photo for the featured image and at least two photos within a text. Royalty-free images or with proper attribution. Minimum photo resolution 1024X768.

Author bio: photo (or avatar/gravatar) and short bio (up to three sentences). If this is not provided, it will default to the travel guides profile of

Usage of AI: post cannot be more than 50% AI generated. We will test submitted text and if it is more than 50% AI generated, it will be rejected.

Guest posts conditions

The guest post will be published within 5 working days after it was confirmed it matches the above specs. The post will be also published on social media posts (Facebook and Twitter) when the schedule allows it (first come – first served basis). It will be made available via Missinglettr to be shared with other FB and Twitter accounts. will use internal links to match content themes and links to posts within the website or other websites from group. Other elements, such as table of contents, quotes, highlights, sidebars, etc, will be provided by reserves the right to unpublish a post that violates standards. Example: backlink to or our other websites is being removed or referring website is being shut down.

If the original publisher wishes to remove the post at any time, this will be fulfilled within 48 hours upon receipt of the request from the same email that requested the original posting.

This service is free of charge until further notice and there will be no retroactive charges for posts already published. When we enable monetization of our websites, any future guest posts and backlinks will be charged annually.


For guest posts: shop @ (no spaces)

For backlinks: admin @ (no spaces)

Or via contact form.

If you want to discuss any other cooperation, please let us know.

Safe travels and see you soon!

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