4-Day Refugio Amazonas – Classic Program


Cusco, Peru


-13.5170887, -71.9785356


Cusco, Peru


-13.5170887, -71.9785356



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4 days

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The Tambopata National Reserve is a large area, and it will be happy to have us join them on their 4-day Refugio Amazonas lodge tour to learn more about this part of the Peruvian jungle. The Refugio Amazonas lodge tour will take us on a gentle journey into the jungle, where we’ll learn about the natural world while having fun.

As a result of its exceptional location within Tambopata, the Refugio Amazonas lodge offers a 4-day tour that enables us to better understand the significance of Brazil nuts in protecting the rainforest. the many parrots over a clay lick and get an amazing view of the rainforest from our tower by doing canopy work.

Guests at Refugio Amazonas have the opportunity to interact with rainforest researchers and take part in evening lectures about conservation efforts in the region. The Refugio Amazonas lodge tour awaits you in the Peruvian jungle for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

4-Day Refugio Amazonas – Classic Program


  • Explore the Tambopata for three nights and gain more depth
  • Learn about the importance of Brazil nuts for the conservation of the rainforest
  • Visit a parrot clay lick
  • Get a view of the rain forest canopy from our tower

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Day 1: Puerto Maldonado – Rio Tambopata

Puerto Maldonado

4-Day Amazon Jungle Tour at Refugio Amazonas

Guided Arrival and Reception. Our guides are either tourism professionals or members of the local community. All of our guides are fluent in English unless otherwise stated. In Refugio Amazonas, we assign guides in a 10:1 ratio. This means that groups with fewer than ten members will be consolidated under the leadership of a single guide. In the event that you prefer a private guide or one who speaks a language other than English, please inform us in advance so that we can arrange for one.

Transfer from the airport to the headquarters in Puerto Maldonado Awaiting your arrival from Lima or Cusco, we will meet and transport you to our office in Puerto Maldonado. While you’re here getting a taste of the forest, we ask that you only bring what you’ll need for the next few days and leave the rest in our safe deposit box. The boats and cargo benefit from this as well. Relocate the headquarters of Pto Maldonado to the Tambopata River Port. We drive 20 kilometers out of Puerto Maldonado to the Tambopata River Port, where we enter the Infierno Native Community. The port is run by the local community.

Tambopata River

Transfer Boat – Tambopata River Port to Refugio Amazonas. To get to Refugio Amazonas, we’ll have to take a boat ride for about two and a half hours from Tambopata Port, passing the Infierno Community and the Tambopata National Reserve’s checkpoint. Getting Started with Boxed Lunches The manager of the lodge will greet you upon arrival and provide you with important information on how to get around and stay safe. At night, when most mammals are awake and moving around, you can take a night walk and see if you can spot anything interesting. Frogs with bizarre appearances and sounds are easier to come by.

Day 2: Three Chimbadas Oxbow Lake – Ethnobotanical Tour – Night Walk

Tambopata National Reserve

Breakfast Oxbow Lake Visit. Canoe or catamaran trips around the lake in search of lakeside wildlife such as hoatzins, caimans, and horned screamers are planned. We’re also hoping to see some of the lake’s rarely seen otters. You’ll also get to see macaws flying overhead. Tower of Canopy The 25-meter scaffolding canopy tower can be reached after a 30-minute walk from Refugio Amazonas.

4 Day Refugio Amazonas - Classic Program - Group Service

The platforms above can be reached safely via a banister staircase in the middle of the structure. The tower has been built on a hilltop, allowing you to see further into the Tambopata National Reserve’s continuous primary forest. Toucans, macaws, and raptors can all be seen from this vantage point, as well as mixed-species canopy flocks. Lunch on the farm Don Manuel, who hails from the nearby town of Condenado, owns and manages a farm just five minutes downriver from the lodge.

He cultivates a wide range of crops from the Amazon rainforest, including well-known and lesser-known varieties. Tour of Ethnobotany A wide range of plants and trees are used by the local population for a variety of purposes along this trail. A number of medicinal and non-medicinal plants will be discussed, including Ajo-Sacha, Yuca de Venado, Ua de Gato, Charcot-Sacha, and Para-Para. Dinner Lectures at the Tambopata National Reserve Conservation threats, opportunities, and projects in the Tambopata National Reserve are discussed at nightly lectures prepared by the staff of Refugio Amazonas.

Day 3: Parrot Clay Lick – Brazil Nut Trail and Camp – Mammal Clay Lick

Tambopata National Reserve

Breakfast Parrot Clay Lick. A clay lick frequented by parrots and parakeets is fifteen minutes by boat and sixty minutes by foot from Refugio Amazonas. The clay in a bank is consumed by parrots and parakeets, which can be observed from a blind most days of the year. At this clay lick, birds like the Dusky-headed and Cobalt-winged Parakeet come to feed. In the early morning rush, we might also see the following species:

3-Day Amazon Jungle Tour at Refugio Amazonas in Puerto Maldonado

In the Amazon, there are Amazons with yellow or white crowns, blue or yellow-headed pionids, severe macaws, and orange-cheeked parrots. There are times of the day when parrots are most active, such as dawn and mid-morning or early afternoon. Lunch It’s time for Brazil Nut Trail and Camp Brazil Nut forest that has been harvested for decades (if not centuries) can be found a few minutes’ walk from the lodge, where the precarious remains of a camp are used by Brazil Nut gatherers can still be seen.

Our demonstration will cover the entire process of harvesting the only sustainably harvested product from the rain forest, from collection to transportation and drying. ” Microscopic Lick of Clay It’s a peccary clay lick about 20 minutes’ walk from Refugio Amazonas to find this one. In the late morning, these wild rain forest pigs gather in herds of five to twenty to eat clay. The chances of spotting them are only about 15%, but the short hike is well worth it. All kinds of wildlife can be found in the area like deer and parakeets.

Day 4: Return to the Airport

Puerto Maldonado

Breakfast Transfer Boat – Posada Amazonas to Tambopata River Port. Transfer Tambopata River Port to Pto Maldonado Headquarters. Transfer Puerto Maldonado Headquarters to Airport: We retrace our river and road journey back to Puerto Maldonado, our office, and the airport. Depending on airline schedules, this may require dawn departures.
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