Seville Cathedral


Av. de la Constitución, s/n, Casco Antiguo, 41004 Sevilla, Spain


37.3833241, -5.9936456


Av. de la Constitución, s/n, Casco Antiguo, 41004 Sevilla, Spain


37.3833241, -5.9936456

Seville Cathedral is known as the Cathedral of St. Mary of the See, it is the world’s largest Gothic cathedral and the third Christian temple after St. Peter’s in Rome and St. Paul’s in London. A former mosque, the Almohad Mosque, became the cathedral of the archdiocese of Seville following its conquest on November 23, 1248.

Seville Cathedral, Alcazar, and Jewish Quarter Skip-the-Line Combo TourThe mosque’s religious orientation had previously been toward the south, but the construction of the Main Chapel on the east side of the mosque reversed this. A variety of altarpieces and paintings decorated the walls, facades, and pillars over time.

The mosque was badly damaged and on the verge of collapse by the end of the fourteenth century. The cathedral Cabildo decided to demolish the Almohade building to build a Christian cathedral. When built over the course of more than 500 years, the structure has a unique blend of styles that contribute to its unique beauty.

Introduction to Seville Cathedral

Welcome to the majestic Seville Cathedral, a place where history and beauty intertwine in perfect harmony. As you step foot inside this architectural marvel, prepare to be captivated by its grandeur and immerse yourself in centuries of rich cultural heritage.

Whether you’re a history buff, an art enthusiast, or simply seeking an awe-inspiring experience, the Seville Cathedral is sure to leave an indelible impression on your soul. So grab your guidebook and let’s embark on a journey through this magnificent landmark that stands as a testament to human ingenuity and devotion. Let’s discover all there is to know about the Seville Cathedral – visitor info at your fingertips!

History of the Cathedral

Seville Cathedral, with its rich history and architectural grandeur, is a marvel that attracts thousands of visitors each year. The cathedral stands on the site of an ancient mosque, which was transformed into a Christian church after the Reconquista in 1248. Construction of the current cathedral began in 1401 and spanned over a century.

Seville: Cathedral & Giralda Guided Tour with Tickets (Priority Access)The architects responsible for this magnificent structure were inspired by Gothic architecture, resulting in its impressive vertical appearance and intricate detailing. One notable feature is the Giralda Bell Tower, originally built as part of the mosque but incorporated into the cathedral during construction.

Throughout its history, Seville Cathedral has witnessed numerous events and changes. It served as a symbol of wealth and power for Spanish monarchy during colonial times when Seville was a major port city. In fact, it still houses several royal burial sites within its walls.

Step inside this historic monument to behold stunning works of art from various periods. From masterpieces by renowned painters like Murillo to dazzling gold altarpieces dating back centuries, every corner boasts artistic brilliance.

As you explore further inside the cathedral’s vast interior space, make sure not to miss La Capilla Mayor or Main Chapel – adorned with beautiful stained glass windows depicting biblical scenes – or wander through Transept Chapels housing religious treasures such as relics and sculptures.

The sheer size and beauty of Seville Cathedral can be overwhelming at first glance. To fully appreciate this architectural gem without feeling rushed or overwhelmed by crowds, consider visiting early morning or late afternoon when fewer tourists are present.

Architectural and Artistic Features

Seville Cathedral is not only a place of worship but also a stunning example of architectural brilliance. The cathedral’s design combines elements of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque styles, creating a harmonious blend that captivates visitors from the moment they lay eyes on it.

One of the most awe-inspiring features of the cathedral is its sheer size. With an area of over 11,000 square meters, it ranks as one of the largest cathedrals in the world. Its towering central nave boasts a height of 42 meters, making it truly impressive.

Seville Cathedral Tour including tickets and skip the line entryInside, visitors will be greeted by an array of intricate sculptures and ornate decorations. The main altarpiece alone is a masterpiece crafted by renowned artist Pierre Dancart. This exquisite piece showcases scenes from the life of Christ and is adorned with gold leaf accents that shimmer under the light.

Another notable feature inside Seville Cathedral is the tomb containing Christopher Columbus’ remains. It serves as a reminder of Spain’s rich history and its role in exploration during the Age of Discovery.

The Giralda Tower stands tall beside the cathedral and offers breathtaking views across Seville’s skyline. Originally built as part of a mosque in Moorish times, this architectural marvel now provides visitors with an opportunity to appreciate both ancient Islamic craftsmanship and modern cityscapes all at once.

Whether you are an art enthusiast or simply appreciate grand architecture, Seville Cathedral will leave you spellbound with its stunning features that reflect centuries worths skillful craftsmanship!

Must-See Sights Inside the Cathedral

As you step inside the Seville Cathedral, prepare to be awe-struck by its grandeur and beauty. This magnificent structure is filled with must-see sights that will leave you breathless.

One of the highlights is undoubtedly the stunning main altar, adorned with intricate gold carvings and surrounded by exquisite artwork. The altarpiece depicts scenes from the life of Christ and is a true masterpiece of Renaissance art.

Seville Cathedral private tourAnother must-see sight is the tomb of Christopher Columbus, located in a side chapel. This elaborate monument pays tribute to one of history’s greatest explorers and is an important symbol for Seville.

Make sure not to miss the Giralda Tower, which offers breathtaking views over Seville from its top. Climb up this iconic tower and take in panoramic vistas of the city’s rooftops, river, and surrounding landscapes.

Inside the cathedral, you’ll also find numerous chapels that are worth exploring. Each one tells a unique story through its architecture and artwork, providing insight into Spain’s rich religious history.

Don’t forget to visit La Lonja (the Exchange), an area within the cathedral where merchants once traded goods. Today it houses various exhibitions showcasing religious artifacts and historical treasures.

The Seville Cathedral truly has something for everyone – whether you’re an art enthusiast or simply seeking spiritual inspiration. Take your time to explore each corner of this remarkable landmark; there’s always something new waiting to be discovered!

Tips for Visitors

1. Plan your visit in advance: Seville Cathedral is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Spain, so it’s important to plan ahead. Consider purchasing your tickets online or arriving early to avoid long queues.

2. Dress appropriately: As a religious site, the cathedral has a strict dress code. Make sure to cover your shoulders and knees, and avoid wearing hats or sunglasses inside.

Small-Group tour of Seville Cathedral & Giralda Tower3. Take advantage of guided tours: Exploring the cathedral on your own can be overwhelming due to its vast size and rich history. Joining a guided tour can provide valuable insights and help you navigate through the different sections.

4. Don’t miss the Giralda Tower: Climb up this iconic bell tower for breathtaking views of Seville’s skyline. Be prepared for some stairs though – there are 35 ramps instead of traditional steps!

5. Visit during off-peak hours: To fully appreciate the beauty of the cathedral without feeling rushed, try visiting early in the morning or later in the afternoon when crowds tend to be smaller.

6. Respect silence and photography rules: Remember that Seville Cathedral is still an active place of worship, so maintain a respectful atmosphere by keeping noise levels low and refraining from taking photos where prohibited.

7. Take time to admire the artistic treasures: From Christopher Columbus’ tomb to stunning stained glass windows and intricate altarpieces, make sure you take your time exploring each corner of this architectural masterpiece.

By following these tips, you’ll have an enjoyable visit at Seville Cathedral while making the most out of your experience!


Seville Cathedral, with its rich history, stunning architecture, and artistic treasures, is undoubtedly a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Seville. As one of the largest Gothic cathedrals in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage site, it stands as a testament to the city’s cultural significance.

Private visit Cathedral and Royal Alcazares of SevilleFrom its origins as a mosque during Moorish rule to its transformation into a grand cathedral after the Reconquista, Seville Cathedral has witnessed centuries of history unfold within its walls. Its architectural marvels, such as the Giralda tower and the intricate Puerta del Perdón entrance, leave visitors in awe of human craftsmanship.

Inside the cathedral’s vast interior lies an impressive collection of religious art and relics. The main altar adorned with gold leafwork and intricate carvings is truly breathtaking. Don’t miss out on viewing renowned masterpieces like Murillo’s “The Vision of St. Anthony” or exploring hidden gems like the Sacristy with its stunning collection of liturgical garments.

When visiting Seville Cathedral, keep in mind some helpful tips: arrive early to avoid crowds; dress appropriately by covering your shoulders and knees; consider purchasing skip-the-line tickets online for convenience; take advantage of guided tours for deeper insights into this magnificent place; and don’t forget to climb up the Giralda tower for panoramic views over Seville.

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