Giant’s Causeway


Giant's Causeway


55.24082145, -6.5116386404807


Giant's Causeway


55.24082145, -6.5116386404807

How to get there

Giant’s Causeway can be reached in the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of hassle by taking a trip that goes straight to the destination. The trip from Belfast is around 90 minutes long and covers a distance of sixty miles. And the trip from Dublin is approximately three hours long and covers a distance of 160 miles. The use of a combination of bus and train transportation is another option for travel.

Located on the northern coast of County Antrim in Northern Ireland, Giant’s Causeway is a natural phenomenon that has captured the attention and imagination of visitors for centuries. Comprising over 40,000 interlocking basalt columns, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is steeped in myth and legend.
Giant's Causeway Tour from Belfast - Luxury Bus + Causeway Entry

According to Irish folklore, Giant’s Causeway was created by the giant Finn McCool as a path to Scotland so he could fight another giant. The hexagonal columns are thought to have been formed by ancient volcanic activity millions of years ago.

As visitors walk along the unique formations, they are transported back in time to witness nature’s remarkable power and beauty. The sheer scale and precision of Giant’s Causeway serves as a reminder of Earth’s geological history and its ability to create awe-inspiring landscapes that leave us humbled and amazed.

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